Facilitated Debrief

Role & Responsibility
Role & Responsibility
Clarify and link the questions to actual events.

Adopt a non-judgemental approach.

Encourage active participation among crew at all times.

Encourage crew analysis and evaluate their performance in depth.

Act as a resource for CRM issues and techniques.

Ensure Training Objectives are met.

Shut up when the crew talk. It ain't about the ACP, it's about the crew and the SOP.

Participate with an open mind.

Accept, resolve and forgive. To err is human.

Identify & discuss CRM issues directly with each other.

Critically analyse their CRM skills, and forget the excuses.

Find out why things turned out that way, and say it.

State the countermeasures to apply, if the same situations happen on the line.

Understand the process makes us better pilots.

Levels of facilitation

High Level
  • Crew discovers and dicusses on their own
  • Minimal guidance from the ACP
  • Identify important topics and issues
  • Set an agenda for discussion
  • Analyse (critically) the situation
  • Evaluate how well they performed
Medium Level
  • ACP must help the crew discover important issues and lessons by asking questions
  • ACP encourages the crew to analyse situations in greater details than High Level.
  • ACP leads the discussion more directly.
Low Level
  • When crew does not respond to higher levels of facilitation
  • ACP uses effective facilitation techniques to lead to critical issues, appropriate solutions and correct evaluation
  • ACP summarizes each item and confirms crew understands and agrees with the outcome before moving on to the next debrief item


Facilitated Debrief Pointers

  • Do not lecture or make long speeches
  • Do not give the impression that only ACP's views count
  • Keep the discussion crew-centered
  • Re-word question instead of giving answers
  • Ask the quiet pilot to talk, redirect one's comment to the other pilot
  • Use silence/pauses to elicit thoughtful crew responses
  • Ask follow-up questions that require in-depth analysis
  • Ask pilot to analyse the reasonning behind their decisions
  • Do not interupt the crew while they still want to talk
  • Give your own analysis only after the crew did
  • Reinforce good crew performance after they provided analysis