PPC Request Form
May be used by ACP to advise the Region of planned PPC
Monitor Checks on ACP (AC 700-051)
Advisory Circular on ACP Monitor Checks.
Crew Resource Management (AC 700-042)
Guidance on CRM for the company training program
Alternate Pilot Proficiency Check - Phased PPC (AC 700-062, Issue 01)
Expected publication date 10 Dec 2021
Supplementary Staff Instruction (SSI 700-002-P)
Approved Check Pilot Program, Issue no. 01, 2015-12-10
Authorized Person Policy Manual, Aeroplane & Helicopter
TP15419E, 09/2019, for ACP Training Purposes Only
Sample Flight Training Device Qualification Renewal Certificate
For ACP Training Purposes Only
The 4-Point Grading Matrix in PDF
May be installed in electronic flight bags
TC September 2023 Presentation of Approach Ban Changes
Example of new PPC electronic report in PDF
During the transition from 0249 to electronic, this may be informative
Missing The Sixth Element
Assessing crew decision-making takes time and time is what ACPs don't have.
Training The Missing 97%
The science of availability in the control of unstable approaches.
Flight Simulation Motion Systems: A Pseudoscience
Airlines are asked to spend billions on questionable gadgets to train their pilots.
Pilot's Restricted Right To Medical Confidentiality
In Canada, the legislator framed pilots' right to medical confidentiality decades ago.
Cannabis and Pilots
The onus to prove rehabilitation is always on the pilot at the outcome of the therapy.
Sure Win, Risky Loss
Pilots use fundamental reasoning developed over hundreds of thousand years.
Flight Safety Foundation Report: The Go-Around Decision-Making